In two municipalities in Croatia and Serbia, local authorities and citizens are empowered to jointly establish citizen energy communities.
In order to facilitate the establishment and functioning of citizen energy communities in the long term, national decision-makers are acquainted with necessary improvements of legislation. Local authorities and citizens are provided with funding options and implementation guidelines and improve their knowledge and capacity in the establishment of citizen energy communities. Within two newly established citizen energy communities, citizens apply their acquainted knowledge and become prosumers and active participants in the energy market ensuring sustainability and sufficiency of local communities. The dissemination of the project results fosters the transferability of citizen energy communities to other municipalities in Croatia, Serbia and further European countries.
Output I
National decision-makers acquainted with necessary improvements of legislation and local actors provided with funding options and guidelines for facilitating the establishment and functioning of citizen energy communities.
Activity (A I.1)
Repository of relevant laws, bylaws and strategic documents dealing with establishment and functioning of citizen energy communities in Croatia and Serbia.
Activity (A I.2)
Activity (A I.3)
Activity (A I.4)
Study of funding and financing options of energy community projects with best practice examples.
Activity (A I.5)
Guidelines on establishing citizen energy communities in Croatia and Serbia.
Output II
Improved knowledge and capacity of citizens and local actors to establish citizen energy communities.
Activity (A II.1)
Activity (A II.2)
8 Workshops.
Activity (A II.3)
2 Study trips.
Output III
Members of two citizen energy communities acquainted with the basis for operationalising local energy communities in Croatia and Serbia.
Activity (A III.1)
Establishment of two citizen energy communities in Croatia and Serbia.
Activity (A III.2)
Establishment of an advisory office for citizen energy communities.
Activity (A III.3)
5 Feasibility studies and technical documentation for the defined most relevant projects.
Output IV
Project results and methods disseminated and transferred to other local, regional and national stakeholders in Europe.
Activity (A IV.1)
Project communication activities.
Activity (A IV.2)
Transferability study.
The energy transition is accelerated through the active engagement of citizens as energy prosumers. This will lead to energy sustainability as well as sufficiency on local level and thus foster the decentralization and democratization within the energy transition process in Croatia and Serbia. Intersectoral cooperation in energy and climate planning processes will be fostered and an encouraging legal and financial environĀ¬ment created for the establishment and functioning of citizen energy communities. The project outcome will trigger other municipalities to follow this lead and engage their citizens in similar activities. With the enĀ¬gagement of the citizens in energy and climate matters, local energy and climate plans will be more often revised and adapted to integrate practical challenges and possible solutions. By analyzing legislation and presenting the results to national, regional and local government, the project will trigger adjustment of laws and bylaws to facilitate the establishment of citizen energy communities.