In the period from 17-19 October 2023, representatives of DOOR and RRAS took part in a study trip to Pfaffenhofen, Germany, where they had the opportunity to get acquainted with one of the best examples of good practice on the topic of Citizen Energy Communities. In addition to members of partner organizations, representatives of local communities from the Republic of Croatia (Development Agency IGRA from Ivanić grad) and the Republic of Serbia (Municipality of Pećinci and representative of the Innovation Startup Center S. Pazova) participated in the visit.
The city of Pfaffenhofen was chosen as a destination because in 2013, at the initiative of the “Energy and Solar Association Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm”, it created an integral climate protection concept that included its own utility companies, energy cooperatives, local self-government units and citizens, with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions for 50% by 2030. Successful interaction between local actors initiates an energy revolution in the city. The municipality is designing a socially just energy transition with the goal of decentralized supply of renewable energy through its own city utility services and citizens’ energy cooperatives with about 650 members.
Since the establishment of the energy cooperative, Pfaffenhofen provides a good example of managing photovoltaic systems on the roofs of municipal buildings. Electricity is supplied to 75 households and the city’s consumer points, which means that the added value remains at the local level. Pfaffenhofen uses 70% renewable energy from almost 900 electricity sources. In the future, 100% electricity supply based on renewable energy sources is planned, which is why the village plans to increase the capacity of photovoltaic systems as well as the construction of a wind farm.
Domaćini posete su bili Dr. Holger Klos (BEG – Citizen energy cooperative Pfaffenhofen), Caroline Brink (City of PAF – municipal administration Pfaffenhofen), Dr. Helmut Muthig (BEG – citizen energy cooperative Pfaffenhofen) i Andreas Herschmann (BEG – citizen energy cooperative Pfaffenhofen), koji su na veoma stručan i otvoren način govorili o svim detaljima uspostavljanja i rada funkcionalne energetske zajednice i gradske uprave u pogledu klimatske inicijative.
Studijsko putovanje je osmišljeno kao kombinacija prezentacija i poseta fizičkim energetskim objektima. Sve posete su bile odlično organizovane sa kompetetnim ljudima koji su preneli svoja iskustva, ukazujući na praktičnu realizaciju i postignute efekte.
This project is part of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate (BMWK).