A workshop held in Ivanić-Grad as part of the LOGYCO project

On Monday, September 18, 2023, a thematic workshop organized by DOOR as part of the LOGYCO project was held in the premises of Naftalan in Ivanić-Grad. During several hours of intensive discussions and information, the participants had the opportunity to explore the concept of citizen energy communities in depth. In the introductory part, DOOR’s Maja Bratko explained the process of founding and launching EZG, while Antun Pfeifer from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of the University of Zagreb presented the legislative framework and financing models for CEC.

During the thematic workshops, 20 participants, including citizens, entrepreneurs, representatives of associations and local authorities, took part in fruitful discussions and exchanged experiences while the presenters provided advice on the process of establishing and leading such communities. The workshop represents a useful step towards strengthening the awareness and participation of citizens in realizing energy democracy in Croatia.

This project is part of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate (BMWK).

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